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Legend has it that the Buddha himself designed the first wheel of life to teach the profound Buddhist philosophy of life and perception to local village people that he met on his travels around Northern India & Nepal. Traditionally a wheel of life is painted on the outside walls of nearly every Tibetan Buddhist temple in Tibet and India.
Working from the outside, the fearsome creature holding the Wheel of Life is Yama, Lord of Death who represents the impermanence of Life, his four limbs represent the four great sufferings of life; birth, illness, old age & death. His third eye indicates wisdom and the tiger skin at the bottom of the wheel represents fearlessness.
The wheel is divided into six sections or realms, each realm represents a different state of mind and personality type.
The top section is the realm of the gods, in this realm people live a materially comfortable but unquestioning life and are insulated from the truths of life and are therefore are unable to reach nirvana.
Moving clockwise the next realm is the realm of the Asuras or Demi Gods, the Asuras are materially comfortable but hyper competitive and materialistic and are always fighting with each other and with the gods.
The next realm is the Animal Realm, this is realm is filled with Humans who are solid and predictable but intellectually uncurious and fearful of new things.
The bottom of the wheel is the Realm of Hell, Hell is filled with angry, aggressive, abusive beings who drive others away.
Next is the realm of the Hungry Ghost, Hungry Ghosts are jealous and greedy people who are never satisfied with what they have, they always want more and so are always hungry.
The last Realm is the Human Realm, Humans in this realm are curious and questioning and passionate about Life. It is only from the Human Realm that enlightenment is possible.
In each of the realms, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara appears to show the way to liberation from the Wheel. But liberation is possible only in the human realm. From there, those who realize enlightenment find their way out of the Wheel to Nirvana.
At the center of the Wheel of Life is a cock, a snake and a pig, all eating each other, which represent greed, anger and ignorance. In Buddhism, greed, anger (or hate) and ignorance are called the "Three Poisons" because they poison whoever harbors them. These are the forces that keep the Wheel of Life turning, according to the Buddha's teaching of the Second Noble Truth.
In the upper right-hand corner of the Thangka, is the Dharmakaya Buddha , representing hope for liberation and in the top left is the Nirmanakaya Buddha, representing bliss and Nirvana.
This beautiful Wheel of Life Mandala was painted by a very experienced Thangka Painter who has a studio in the shadow of the great Boudha Stupa in Kathmandu.
It is unframed and painted onto cotton, the painted area of the picture measures 275mm ( 11") by 325 mm (12.75"). It is a very detailed hand painting in the traditional thangka style.
The gold on the painting is gold leaf and the pigments used are all natural mineral or vegetable based paints.
We buy our Thangkas directly from the artists which guarentees that the painters are well paid for their wonderful work.
Our Thangkas are at least 20 years old as Thangka Painting in the last Century was far superior to currently produced Thangkas which are made primarily for the tourist trade.
Original Vintage Black Wheel of Life Tibetan Buddhist Thangka Painting - Fair Trade
- Brand: One World Gallery
- Product Code: Black Wheel of Lofe Thangka
- Availability: 1
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Tags: Wheel of Life. Thangka, Tibetan, Buddhist