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  • Natural Hemp Wallet - Handmade In Nepal - Stylish, Durable & Fair Trade
    Natural Hemp Wallet - Handmade In Nepal - Stylish, Durable & Fair Trade Natural Hemp Wallet - Handmade In Nepal - Stylish, Durable & Fair Trade Natural Hemp Wallet - Handmade In Nepal - Stylish, Durable & Fair Trade

Hemp is a very strong and useful material. It can easily be grown almost anywhere without the need for pesticides or fertilisers and in fact it grows wild in the Himalyas.

In fact up to the first world war hemp was a major crop in the UK and during Elizabethan times it was actually illegal not to grow it as it was such a useful crop.

Our hemp wallet is made from 100% natural Himalyan hemp by one of our fair trade producers high up in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal.

These days hemp is very poplar in Nepal, because of it's hardwearing properties and as such are the perfect material for wallets

Our wallets contain two compartments for notes, one is zipped so that you can hide your large notes if you are fortunate enough to have some, a zip up coin purse and a section for credit cards.

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Natural Hemp Wallet - Handmade In Nepal - Stylish, Durable & Fair Trade

  • £5.99

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