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Camouflage is really cool at the moment, especially if it's fair trade camouflage! In case you're wondering this is Nordic Camouflague especially useful if you want to go undetected in Cold Northern Lands!
When I found this material in Kathmandu I thought it would be good to design something that age 5 - 10 boys would really like ( rather than something that their parents thought looked sweet!).
Our long sleeve camouflage T shirts are designed to give the layered look with a camoflague T Shirt and solid colour arms.
The fabric is a soft hard wearing cotton and our long sleeve T shirts come in five sizes from age 5 - 6 up to age 9 - 10. Our long sleeve camouflage T shirts are machine washable and should be washed on a 40 degree C wash with a colour powder. Line dry. 100 % cotton.
If you want to go for a full camouflage look we also have woodland camouflage trousers!
Kids White Grey Green Camouflage Long Sleeve T Shirt Ages 5 - 10 - Fair Trade
- Brand: One World is Enough Kids
- Product Code: white grey green boys camouflage top
- Availability: 10
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Tags: camouflage, sweat shirt, green, grey white, boys, long sleeve,